Monday, November 23, 2009

Topics Schedule: Updated

ASAK Everyone.
Here's the updated(and updated again) schedule, and I am sorry but the topic of Hayaa will not be posted tonight, instead a post on Taqwa has been posted. Insha' allah tomorrow I will proceed with the schedule.


1. Taqwa (DONE)
2. The Day of Arafah(DONE)
3. Eid al-Adha[First-Ever Eid Post on this blog; anticipate this special post!](DONE)
4.Repentance; Never Give Up on Allah(SWT)'s Mercy
5. Hayaa'

6.  Our Muslim Identity, What That Means, and What We Should Be Doing(in Regard to that)

Any thing you want to add to this schedule? Comment and let me know, although right now I have quite a bit, as I have to put all this, including the Eid Post, before Friday(I believe Eid is on Friday, right?).


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