Friday, November 20, 2009

Topic Schedule


This post is going to be dedicated to scheduling what topics and such I am going to talk about in future posts.
I plan, Insha' allah, on Sunday to post a post about Hayaa', modesty, a VERY IMPORTANT FUNDAMENTAL. And as one reader commented, on our position as Muslim teens. In other words, our Islamic Identity, and what we should be striving to do in regard to that. So that's two topics.

Here's the schedule:

1. Hayaa'
2. Our Muslim Identity, What That Means, and What We Should Be Doing(in Regard to that)
3. Eid al-Adha[First-Ever Eid Post on this blog; anticipate this special post!]

Any thing you want to add to this schedule? Comment and let me know.
As always, I'm open to suggestions, polite criticism, and comments. Assalamualaikum Everyone.


  1. To the person(I cant remember your username) who asked about Kajal(Kohl), I'm sorry it's taking me a while to answer you. I asked someone, but I'm still not confident enough to state anything on the matter, yet. Sorry, Insha' allah I'll have the answer for you as soon as possible.

  2. isn't sami yusefs part kindof lovey dovey?
    how is that "pure"?
    plus outlandish sings bout bad stuff

    look on iTunes

  3. sami yusuf is NOT lovey dovey smarty mouthy
