I suppose I'm re-welcoming you to the blog.
I didn't change much, but the most significant thing I did change was the web address of the blog from http://www.muslimteenissues.blogspot.com/ to http://www.islamthebeautiful.blogspot.com/.
I was unable to receive updates from the blog even though I am shown as a follower, so I'm assuming that it will take some time for you to receive your usual updates. If it takes longer than two weeks, I'll look into it more seriously. But it definitely seems that everyone is considered a follower of http://www.islamthebeautiful.blogspot.com/, and that they have been automatically registered as followers when the blog address changed.
I suppose the reason I changed the blog address was that I felt the address was too restrictive in the sense that I don't only talk about muslim teen issues, and I plan Insha' Allah to expand my blog with other things that are not only for teenagers, and not only for Muslims. So it would seem prudent to change the actual web address of the blog to address that aspect.
I know it may not have been most convenient for everyone, it hasn't for me either,
But I've done it saying "Bismillah", so Insha' Allah it'll turn out for the best.
In addition, you may have noticed My Profile emptier than before, and the header changed as well. I'm updating my blog, and plan Insha' Allah to rewrite what was in My Profile, not that what was in it wasn't good or not true, and change my blog template(background) and maybe even further change the header. I'll see Insha' Allah; I just wanted y'all to know my blog is undergoing some changes.
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