Sunday, October 18, 2009

More in Depth: Hijab

Hijab. We all have heard of it, haven't we? Some of us practice it, some of us don't. Some of us fulfill some of its requirements, some of us fulfill all of them.

I will take some statements from a link that can be found at the bottom, and I encourage everyone to read the entire article by clicking the link.

Hijab is the modest covering of the head and body of a Muslim woman.

"Oh, I'll wear it when I'm older." "I'm young, maybe when I'm married I'll start."

There is a hadith which can be read in its entirety by the link, which clarifies that a girl who has reached her "menstrual age" or had her period, must cover everything except her face and hands. I particularly like this Hadith because it states important information about the Hijab quite clearly.

Allah(SWT) has ordered us to wear it in the Holy Quran as well. Two of the relevant ayahs can be seen by clicking the link.

What are the requirements of the Hijab?

We know from the Hadith that it is everything except the face and hands. But that does not mean you can go out, covering everything, but wearing tight clothes that show your shape. It must be loose and modest. Details can be found on the link at the end. Please make sure you check it out; it is wonderful.
Now, let's think about make-up. Yes, let's cover, let's be modest, cover our original physical beauty, but let's wear make-up.
Logically, this does not make sense.
In addition, the hijab is not just the right clothing and that's it. It is also Hayaa', modesty. Insha' allah I hope to write a post about this important topic(Hayaa) later on.

I want to make this statement:
So many Muslims know that it is ordered by Allah(SWT), Allah Almighty, in the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran, the Hadith, yet still some are not doing so. Why?
-"I'm not ready."
-"I'm still young. Maybe when I'm older."

It's your choice. Your choice whether you want to obey your Lord.
(Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Hijab, from how you're deciding whether to wear it, to how you disagree about the make-up issue).


  1. Once again, I want to remind everyone that I'm open to suggestions for posts, questions, comments, you name it. Recently I've found it prudent to add comment moderation, which means that I filter and select comments I think are appropriate to display.
    So if you're intending to badmouth Islam for no reason whatsoever, and think you can take advantage of this blog, you're wrong.(That was dramatic, wasn't it?)
    P.S. I went to a convention/lecture recently, and I wrote notes. So expect a post Insha' allah regarding Hayaa(modesty)!

  2. Salam,

    I seldom read your blog now a days but when i do it is extremely intresting although my cognizance of your blog entries seem to be pretty vague. On the other hand can you write an entry on the reason we should cogitate our position as muslim teen girls, if we should be followers or leaders and how we should behave according to islamic conduct (you already wrote about hijab, go you!) And other than that i love you!

  3. I'm going to make a post right now about my topic plans.
    I was already thinking about Islamic Identity, and good topic suggestions girl!
    Hoping to see you in Eid Prayer,

  4. Hey KB, do you have anything specific about islamic conduct you want to go into?
    I plan to go into Hayaa, modesty, which is extremely important. And can you elaborate over the leaders and followers thing. Do you mean as in peer pressure, following and succumbing to bad influence, or just being a follower or leader in general?
