Saturday, October 3, 2009

Convert to Islam

Gracie has commented on this blog and said that she has converted to Islam. May Allah(SWT) Bless and Guide her. Ameen.


  1. No, but on the contrary many of my good friends are muslims. I am raised in a predominatly catholic enviroment but soon hope to explore other religions. By the way my name is Alexa not Gracie but i know a gracie i'll see if it is her.
    thank you for checking my blog out,

  2. No the gracie i know is jewish and i guess she has no clue what islam is anyway, congrats to Gracie. Umm my friend Shaymaa was teaching me arabic terms i think congrats is mabruk (im not sure i am not that good at these type of stuff)

  3. I really applaud you're open-mindedness, i was speaking to my friend ab. you today. To find a non-muslim who is so open-minded that she goes and becomes a follower of an islamic blog, and is interested in learning about Islam; it just makes me smile. If you have ANY questions, please let me know. Although you probably know something ab. Islam from Shaymaa. Anyways, thanks! Yeah, I believe Mabruuk is Congrats, or it could be Mubarak. Maybe both.
    Thanks for being a great follower of this blog; I hereby give you the title "Awesome Person." Very eloquent, huh?
    Anyways, talk to ya later!

  4. Wow!
    I can't believe that, that is amazing!
    Mabruk Gracie, and I am glad you deceided on this path. (I think I spelled deceided wrong,oops.)

  5. My mom said i can't be ca muslim anymore, she's mad at me and this is my first time visiting in a while, may god help me. I want heaven so bad!

  6. Assalamualaikum.
    Do not give up Islam.
    Even if you are unable to show and practice your Islam, keep it in your heart and mind. Praise God in your thoughts, seek his Guidance and Blessings, and ask Him to find a way for you to practice your Islam more efficiently.
    P.S. What do you mean this was your first timevisiting in a while? Werent you commenting yesterday more than once?
