Friday, August 21, 2009


A rather unfortunate aspect has been let known to me; apparently when you try to become a follower of the blog with Yahoo, it doesn't allow you. A fellow friend let me aware of this.
However, I know for a fact that if you do it with a Google account(Gmail), it will work.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


  1. Hi. I have a friend and she is copying an idea I had for something. And it really hurts my feelings.
    I mean this idea I told her about was really cool, and then I found out she is trying to do the same thing. How do I deal with this problem Islamically and in a way in which I receive more good deeds, Insha' allah.
    A Muslim Teenager Stuck In A Suckish Situation.

  2. Hey anonymos, you should explain to her exactly how you feel. Tell her that it was your idea and you don't appreciate her compying your idea. Tell her all of this eye to eye, and not over the phone. Tell her in a kind manner. If she's a good friend, she will understand.
    -A friend that wants to help out.

  3. Hi; I indirectly told her, sorta, and then I found out that she was just interested in it; didnt actually want to do it.
    Thansk for ur help anyways; I'll keep it in mind in other similar situations

  4. Asalamualikum!
    I'm so glad to see interaction amongst muslim teens on my blog!
    Great advice, Anonymous Number 2. If it isnt too much trouble, could you guys use actual names; not necessarily your own names, but names nonetheless, like Star or Waterfall or Crescent, anything really. It is more easier to communicate when we have different names; it's sorta funny saying Anonymous #2.
    -Ramadan Mubarak
